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How to run the HawkScan CLI on Ubuntu
How to run the HawkScan CLI on Ubuntu

How to set up the HawkScan CLI on Ubuntu (natively or on Windows / WSL)

AJ avatar
Written by AJ
Updated over 2 years ago


Ubuntu users wishing to install the HawkScan CLI may do so conveniently with a combination of:

Procedure (Ubuntu)

The procedure below uses apt to install openjdk; various other methods could be used as well, so long as the end results are:

  • A full openjdk is installed (a JRE only is insufficient)

  • java -version returns the installed openjdk

  • java itself is in $PATH

  • hawk is in $PATH



    1. update apt: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

    2. locate available openjdk versions: apt-cache search openjdk

    3. install latest openjdk version (e.g., 17): sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk -y

      1. this will also add the openjdk to $PATH automatically

  1. sudo apt get install unzip (if unzip isn't installed)

  2. Install the ZIP file (2.6.0 example below; the zip file and directory name will change over time)

    1. curl -v -o

    2. unzip

    3. Add hawk to $PATH:

      1. echo "export PATH=$HOME/hawk-2.6.0:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile

      2. source ~/.bash_profile

  3. Confirm that the hawk dir and java dir are in the echo $PATH output

  4. Run hawk version – should output a version (e.g., v2.6.0)

  5. Run hawk init

    1. Add API KEY


Example command outputs when all elements are in place:

dan@DESKTOP:~$ java -version
openjdk version "17.0.4" 2022-07-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.4+8-Ubuntu-120.04)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.4+8-Ubuntu-120.04, mixed mode, sharing)

dan@DESKTOP:~$ which java

dan@DESKTOP:~$ echo $PATH

dan@DESKTOP:~$ hawk version


Procedure (Ubuntu on WSL on Windows)

Simply pre-pend the above procedure with the following step:

Other Windows notes:

  • If scanning a local application, Windows Firewall may intercept you when you first run hawk scan and require you to allow java to access the host endpoint

  • When manipulating configuration files, note that the underlying Windows filesystem may be accessible via the /mnt filesystem, allowing you to pull Windows files into the linux directories you're scanning from

    • for instance, you could copy yml files from your Documents folder into your Ubuntu user's home dir:

      • cp /mnt/c/Users/Dan/Documents/stackhawk.yml ~

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