Scanning SOAP APIs
April Conger avatar
Written by April Conger
Updated over a week ago

SOAP Configuration

SOAP API schemas use XML to define the structure of its operations. The schema is made available through a WSDL file, offering a machine-readable format for how the web service works.

HawkScan will use the contents provided by the WSDL to improve the quality of the scan by:

  • Pre-seeding the sitemap using the routes defined in the WSDL. This can be used to complement any crawled routes or can be used instead of app spidering altogether.

  • Using defined inputs to operations in the spec to inform how to communicate with the web application and gather clues on how to better attack endpoints.

Configuration Examples:

soapConf: "soapAPI.wsdl"
soapConf: /soapAPI/v1?wsdl

Using a spec file

Using a relative URL

Basic Scan

applicationId: xxxx-XXXX-xxxx-XXXX-xxxxxxxx
env: Development
host: http://localhost:8000
autoPolicy: true
api: /soapAPI/v1?wsdl

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